Monday, February 21, 2011

We Have Company!

We had another busy, but fun weekend.  Two of my best girlfriends came to town for a little visit.  They left Oklahoma City after work Friday and were going to be here later that night.  Around 11:30pm I gave Tiffany a call to see where they were.  Well, their car broke down on them and they were stuck on the side of the highway.  Fortunately they weren't that far from us, so we loaded up the car and went to get them.  James and his brother waited for the tow truck, and they were finally able to get it towed to the shop so it could be fixed that morning.  Thankfully the car was fixed before they had to leave Sunday. 

Saturday James and his mom came to pick up Tiffany so they could celebrate James' mom and grandma's birthday.  So me, Bri, Charles and Max headed downtown for a little lunch at the Flying Fish and did some walking around the river.  It was such a beautiful day!

Waiting for out lunch at the Flying Fish

Enjoying a beautiful day

Me and Sebrina

Max and Dad going down the big slide
After our lunch and sight seeing we decided to head home and rest for a little bit.  After a couple of naps we got up and hung out with Max out in the backyard until Charles got home from the driving range.  Then, Charles fired up the grill and made us some yummy hamburgers.  After dinner we hung out in the backyard for just a little bit, it was getting chilly, and came back inside to watch a movie.

Max and Bri up from their naps

Aunt Bri and Max

Relaxing after dinner

Movie time

Thanks for coming to visit us this weekend, we had a GREAT time!  Wish we still lived closer because we really miss you guys!

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