Monday, February 14, 2011

Busy Weekend

Wow, what a busy weekend!  Riley and Lucas came over Saturday for a little sleep over at our house.  The kids had a lot of fun playing, and even made dessert, rice crispy treats.  They watched tons of movies and finally crashed late Saturday night.  Thankfully they sleep in so we could get some rest too. 
Charles making all the kids laugh at dinner

Riley pouring in the rice crispys

Max's turn

All the kids playing

Riley and Max bouncing off the walls

Then, we went to the Big Dam Bridge with the Fazio family on Sunday to do a little walking and site seeing.  It was a beautiful day!  The kids had a great time walking on the bridge and of course throwing rocks into the river.
A little windy on top of the bridge

Max enjoying the ride

Riley keeping Max close

Two cute kids!
Jennie and Max taking a break

Riley posing for the camera and Max being silly

Throwing rocks into the river

It was definitely a busy weekend, but we had a blast with everyone!

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