Monday, February 21, 2011

Sunday Funday

After Sebrina, Baby Zohan, Tiffany, James, and Baby Ace left Sunday Max and I decided to join Charles and Nick at the fishing pond.  I'm not going to call where we live the country, but we do have some open land and ponds in our area.  While Charles and Nick did their fishing thing Max and I walked around and explored the neighborhood.  Across from our neighborhood are two ponds and some open land that they are getting ready to build more houses on. 

Adventure time

Getting ready to build more houses

 After our little adventure Max was pretty occupied with throwing rocks into the pond.  In fact, that activity kept him busy for almost 2 hours.

Oh, and I can't forget to mention that Charles and Nick did in fact catch some fish in those little ponds.  This was Max's first experience with fishing and seeing actual fish.  He thought the fish were really cool, and when he touched them he would say, Ooo the fish are dirty.  Good job Charles and Nick!

After the guys were done fishing we went back to our house, and waited for the rest of the Fazio clan to come over.  Riley and Max played in the backyard while the grown ups tried to sit and relax.  We ordered some pizza and watched Cats and Dogs with the kids. 

Max and Riley
We were all exhausted from our busy weekend and went to bed very early.  What a great weekend!

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