Thursday, February 3, 2011

Enjoying a beautiful day (before Max got sick)

We finally got a couple of nice days here in Arkansas.  Max was finally able to get his new car that he got from Santa out in the backyard.  Charles got him a pillow so he could be closer to the pedal and he showed him how to drive it.  It only took Charles 1 minute to tell Max how it worked and he was off.  He had a blast and can't wait to get it out on the road.  We will have to wait for another nice day, and for him to start feeling better.

He's already a pro!

Bye Mom!  Said he was going to the store.
He also had a great time playing basketball on the deck while wearing his Thunder jersey.  Got to support our favorite team!  We are all definitely ready for some spring weather.
slam dunk!

Go Thunder!

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