Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Helping Animals, Just Like Mom

A couple days ago Charles and I saw a sign for a missing red female dachshund posted in our neighborhood.  Any time I see a sign for a missing pet I always keep my eyes peeled just in case.  Sure enough, yesterday Max and I were backing out of the drive way to head to the grocery store and what do I see...the missing dog.  I drive to where I saw the sign and immediately called the number.  I told her owner that if I catch her I will call her back and let her know.  So, Max and I went into the house and grabbed a hot dog to see if that would help us catch the sweet little girl.  Max is so cute...he's walking with me saying, come here dog we have a treat for you.  Charles should start worrying now if Max is anything like his mother when it comes to animals.  We finally corner the sweet little girl and she lays down on her side.  I let her sniff me and then I pick her up and take her into our house.  I called her owner back to let her know that she was safe in our house and we would have her until they were able to pick her up.  Abby's owners were able to pick her up that afternoon, and until they got there we made sure Abby felt very welcomed.  Her favorite spot was in my lap.  Max really wanted to get a picture with her and I tried my best, but she wasn't that crazy about him.  He moved around too much and was a little louder than she would have liked.  Now Abby is back home with her family!  So glad we were able to find that sweet little girl!

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