Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Arkansas State Fair

I love going to the fair!  It was always one of my favorite things to do when we lived in Oklahoma.  It only took us 5 years to finally check out the Arkansas State Fair.  Which meant I dragged my whole family out of the house Saturday and made them go with me.  Max had a blast on the rides, and he even got to ride a pony for the first time.  The Arkansas State Fair isn't as big as Oklahoma's (or as good in my opinion), but we all still had a nice time.

 Dad getting Max strapped in for his first fair ride.

 Got to get in a high five before the ride starts.

 He was serious during most of the rides, but I did get a couple of smiles out of him.

 I think my mom and I wanted to go into the petting zoo more than Max, but when he got in there he had a great time touching all the animals.

 On his first pony ride.  He was excited.

 He wanted me to walk beside him, but I could barely keep up with the horses.  I eventually stopped and waited for him at the gate.  He did such a great job!

On our way back to the car.  Max wasn't ready to leave, but we were out of tickets and energy.  Not sure if we will go back any time soon, but at least I got my fair fix in.

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