Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Mimi's Visit

My mom came to visit us this past weekend.  She was off work for Ardmore's fall break, and we were happy to have her.  We always have a great time when Mimi comes to town!  This time was especially interesting because she was bringing her new puppies, Shawn and Maggie, with her.  The pugs and Max did great with the puppies and everyone had a great time.  Thanks for coming mom!

 Conan was a little obsessed with the puppies.  He had to watch them at all time.

 Roxie was amazing with the puppies!  Her motherly instincts kicked in and she followed them everywhere. 

 Shawn fit right in to my little clan.

 Shawn and Maggie taking a little nap on my lap during the OSU game.  Good thing they were there because I really wanted to yell at the tv several times.  Their job was to keep me calm...and it worked.

 Mom and I were sitting on the deck while the dogs and Max played in the backyard.  We noticed that all the dogs were with us except Maggie, and of course Max was missing too.  So my mom and I got up and started looking for them.  We turned the corner and found Max and Maggie hanging out in the back of his truck.  It was just too cute!

Max loved the puppies, and they loved him!

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