Saturday, March 12, 2011

Love this weather!

What a great day to spend outside!  Little man did a "little" golfing in the front yard, and then helped his dad clean both of our cars.  He is such a great helper!

Helping dad wash mom's car
He's doing a great job!
Thanks guys!
Took a little break from washing cars to chase mommy around the yard with a wet rag
Back to work!
He made those tires shine
After we got done washing the cars Max and I took Roxie for a little walk around the neighborhood.  It was seriously one of the slowest walks I have ever taken.  Little man was more concerned with picking up rocks to keep up with me and Roxie.  We finally made it home, and waited for the Fazio's to come over.  Max and Riley played for a while outside while me, Jennie and Lucas just hung out on the deck.  Charles and Nick tried to fish, but they weren't biting.

On our way to dinner at Senor Tequila
Ended our day with a nice Mexican dinner and good company.  Thanks Fazio family for coming over!  We had a great Saturday!

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