Thursday, March 3, 2011

Enjoying the Sun

Max started going to MDO two days a week, Tuesday and Thursday, starting this week.  It was definitely a change in our routine, but his teachers said he was very good and cheerful all day.  I'm so glad he likes his school, the kids, and his teachers!  I went to pick up Max from school and as we are driving home he tells me about his day...which is so cute.  Then he proceeds to tell me that when we get home he wants to golf in the backyard.  Sure enough, I get him out of the car and he runs to the back door and begins playing golf.  I love when the weather is nice because Max is able to go outside as much as he wants, and this little boy LOVES being outside.  He played some golf, mowed the lawn for a little bit, blew bubbles, and hung out on his playset until it started to get dark. 

Swinging on the playset

Sun = Happiness 

This little boy is definitely ready for spring!

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