Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Little Rock Zoo

Today was the perfect day to get out of the house.  So Max and I packed a bag, got in the car, and headed to the zoo.  It was nice and sunny with a wonderful breeze.  And the best part, we pretty much had the zoo all to ourselves!  We had a wonderful afternoon looking, talking and taking pictures of all the animals.  We got to ride the train around the zoo and then enjoyed a nice carousel ride before we headed home.  The carousel was a little scary, but we survived and Max had a great time.



Elephants!  We were so close we could almost touch them


We loved watching the Bush Dogs

Lion!  Roar!

He thought the bear statue was pretty cool


Taking a train ride

Farmer Max

The silly farmer

He thought this guy was funny

He thought this big guy was real until I knocked it in the head

Carousel ride

We are holding on for dear life
We will definitely be going back before the school year is over, especially since a new penguin exhibit is opening this weekend.

Here is a cute video of Max interacting with the Burro's at the zoo's Children's Farm.

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