Friday, March 18, 2011

Driving Range

It was such a beautiful day today that we decided to take Max to the driving range.  He's been talking about going to the "golf place" for a while.  He had such a great time and hit the ball so well with his new iron.  He would have hit balls all day if we let him. 

Hitting his first ball

Dad giving him some pointers

Loving the "golf place"

Watching dad hit the ball to the sky

Love my golfin boys

He is such a natural


Hit their balls at the same time

Back swing

Gonna hit that ball

As Max would say, "FUN DAY!"
We will definitely be bringing him back to the driving range again.  Max loves this sport so much!  He could play it all day and then watch it on tv when he's not outside.  He knows how to take mom and dad's phone, get on youtube, and watch "golf videos".  We love our little golfer!

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