Friday, November 25, 2011

Molly Diane Milligan

On Monday, November 21, 2011 we arrived at the hospital at 5 in the morning.  I was induced with Max and since all our family is in Oklahoma we decided to do the same thing with Molly.  We weren't really sure how long it would take for us to have Molly so I got my epidural early and just hung out for a while.  At about 11:15am the nurse checked me and I was dilated 6cm.  Thinking it would be a couple more hours we were not expecting what came next.  30 minutes later, 11:45, the nurse came back because I was feeling a little pressure.  She checked me again and sure enough I was 9cm dilated.  The pressure got worse and before I knew it it was time to start pushing.  The doctor made it just in time because little Miss Molly arrived at 12:13pm.  Our little girl was 6lb 13oz and 19.5in.  Beautiful and healthy!  Now our family is complete!

 Getting ready to go to the hospital, 39 weeks 1 day

So excited to see his baby sister.

 Molly is here!

 Proud dad.
 Max carry Molly to me, with the nurses help.

Taking our beautiful and healthy little girl home!  We are in love!

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