Friday, November 25, 2011

Max's 3rd Birthday

I am so glad we were able to celebrate Max's 3rd birthday before Molly got here.  He got to pick out the theme...of course he picked a Mickey Mouse theme.  We invited all his friends over for some fun play time and cupcakes.  The weather cooperated for us and all the kids were able to play outside.  Max had such a great time with all his friends.  He even got a new pair of boots!  His 3rd birthday was a great success, and now he's ready for his little sister to get here.

 He got a new pair of boots from Mimi and Papa.

 So happy about his new boots!

 Thanks Mimi!

Ready for his party.

 Chloe, Riley and Max

 Max and Brody

 Happy Birthday to Max!

 Charles and I got Max this bike for his birthday, but he got it early bc I ran over his other bike.

Can't believe my little man is 3!  We love you Max!

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