Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Monster Fun

We got Max this cute little monster hat as an after Christmas present.  He needed a hat so he can ride his motorcycle and play golf in this cold weather.  He loved the hat so much that we had a mini little photo shoot and Molly joined in on the fun too.  He also got his own camera for Christmas and decided to take some pictures of me and Molly.  It was a fun evening activity for all!

He is so much fun!

Giving his dad some love.

This is Max being a monster.

I just love this face!

Taking a picture of mommy with his new camera.

Love him!

Now it's Molly's turn to have her picture taken.

He loves his new camera.

Getting another picture of mom.

Checking to see how his pictures turned out.  He's actually very good.

Giving Molly some love.

He told me he was helping Molly get her exercise. 

He wanted to put the hat on Molly.

Max thought she looked pretty silly and Molly is giving us her Monster impression.

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