Monday, December 12, 2011

Max & Molly

I can't believe Molly has already been with us for 3 weeks.  She is such a sweet and calm little girl.  Much different than her big brother, who we all know is very active.  She is also a GREAT sleeper!  I'm getting 6-8 hours of sleep with this little girl (and she's sleeping in her crib!), compared to the 2-4 hours of sleep I got with Max a night.  We are so proud of Max during this transition period.  He has been absolutely amazing with her.  He likes to help me in any way he can, he loves sitting with her and sharing a blanket, and he gives her tons of hugs and kisses throughout the day.  He really is a great big brother.  Now we just have to get this boy potty trained and sleeping in his own bed all big deal :)

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