Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Phrase That Pays

Here are some of the new things that Max really likes to say...
  • Don't say that, that's a bad word
  • Shush (while he puts his finger over his month), be quiet
  • NO, that's MY dog!  (He's referring to Zeppelin)
  • Oh my gosh!
  • What's that?  (His new favorite game to play 24/7)
  • Mom:  I love you Max, Max:  I love dad.  Dad:  I love you Max, Max:  I love mom.
  • Dogs go outside with me
  • I want to go to the golf place!  (The driving range)
It's so funny to hear him say all these things because he has certain facial expressions for each one.  He is such a character!

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