Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Mother's Day Gift

Max made me this wonderful card at school for Mother's Day.  I love it!

Mother's Day Weekend

I had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend.  My mom came to stay with us for the weekend and we all enjoyed having her here.  My mom came in late Friday night so Max didn't get to see her until he woke up Saturday morning, and boy did he keep her busy all day.

Sunday we woke up and my wonderful husband made us an amazing breakfast, eggs benedict, which my mom and I had never had before.  It was DELICIOUS!  Then, my mom and I got ready for the day and did some shopping, had some lunch, and then took in a movie.  While we were gone the boys went to the driving range and had a father son lunch.  We all had a great time!  When we got home Max was passed out in Mimi's bed, I guess dad wore him out.  Then Charles made us another amazing meal and we relaxed the rest of the night.  It was a great weekend and I'm so glad my mom came to visit us!

School Report Card

Max tells his teachers he wants a baby...

We will find out in July!

Helping Dad

We had several bad storms throughout the week that flooded a lot of Arkansas.  Thankfully we didn't get hit as hard in Maumelle as a lot of the other surrounding towns.  It did however turn out backyard into a mess.  So Charles and Max got out there with their shovels and cleaned up the backyard.  Max really is a good helper!


We had a very nice and low key Easter this year.  Max got up and found his basket filled with golf balls, dozers, and eggs filled with candy and money.  Since he got to hunt for eggs several times during the week he wasn't really into it that Sunday.  So we had a nice breakfast and lunch and played with his new trucks and golf balls.  Later that day we went over to the Fazio house for a nice Easter dinner. 

Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Lucas!

The Sunday before Easter we had the Fazio's and their friends and family over to our house to celebrate Lucas' 1st birthday.  The theme was balls and there were balls everywhere!  Jennie decorated the entire front yard with balls and all the kids had a blast playing with all of them.  We stopped the ball playing for a little Easter egg hunt.  I think it's safe to say all the kids had a blast at this party.  After all the games we went inside for some cake.  Lucas loved the cake!  When everyone left Max, Riley and Lucas went and had more outdoor fun in the backyard.  Riley even gave Max and Lucas a ride in Max's truck.  Happy 1st Birthday Lucas!